Board & Staff
Board of Directors
- Kurt Madden
CEO, Career Nexus
President - Mike Snell
CEO, California Teaching Fellows Foundation
Vice President - Jeff Brians
Partner, Blair, Church, and Flynn Engineering Consultants - Dr. Michele Cantwell-Copher
Superintendent, Fresno County Superintendent of Schools - Eddie Cunha
Center Director, National University - Ketti Davis
Superintendent, Central Unified School District - Ivonne Der Torosian
Vice President, Saint Agnes Medical Center - Elizabeth Dooley
President and CEO, Educational Employees Credit Union - Florence Dunn
President, California Health Sciences University - Jerry Dyer
Mayor, City of Fresno - Sandra Flores
Executive Director, Reading and Beyond - Corinne Folmer
Superintendent, Clovis Unified School District - Dr. Carole Goldsmith
Chancellor, State Center Community College District - Tyler Hedden
Sr. Vice President and Area Manager, Kaiser Permanente - Kenneth Hendricks
CEO, Hendricks and Associates, Inc. - Misty Her
Superintendent, Fresno Unified School District
- Matthew Morse
Vice President/General Manager, KSEE24 and CBS47 - Dr. Saul Jimenez-Sandoval
President, California State University, Fresno - Shannon Koontz-Monis
Customer Relations Manager, Energy Solutions and Service, PG&E - Genelle Taylor Kumpe
San Joaquin Valley Manufacturing Alliance (SJVMA) - Fabrizio Lofaro
Superintendent, Valley Regional Occupational Programs (VROP) - Curtis Lovett
President, Outback Materials - Scott Miller
CEO, Greater Fresno Area Chamber of Commerce - Paul Nerland
CAO, Fresno County - Antonio J. Avila
Principal, Darden Architects - Lonnie Petty
President, Strategic Mechanical, Inc. - Stephanie Nathan
President and CEO, United Way of Fresno County - Brian Angus
Interim CEO, Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission - Michael Spencer
President, Harris Construction - Dr. André Stephens
President, Fresno Pacific University - Todd Suntrapak
CEO, Valley Children’s Hospital - Dennis Wiechmann
Superintendent, Sanger Unified School District - Tyrone Roderick Williams
CEO, Fresno Housing Authority
Marcus Johnson
Executive Director
Eric Johnson
Bob Nelson
Previous Executive Directors include:
Dr. Harold Haak
Sid Cox
Dr. Bill F. Stewart
Dr. Peter Mehas
Dr. Thomas Crow